Steven Mora & Chad Boutte


Steven Mora has lived a very colorful life, traveling the world with his music career as an Italian Opera Singer. Prior his music career, he received a Biochemistry degree with intentions to become a medical doctor and surgeon but his music career took center stage and lasted for 23 years. When the economy crashed in 2008 he moved to New Orleans with his partner to start life again in a new light, away from the stage!

Post Hurricane Katrina, they quickly got into tourism to help the city regain its tourist population. Steven was in tour sales for many tour operations and was able to get a clear view of what the traveler wanted and needed. He then moved into guiding tours as a freelance tour guide but found that many of the tour companies were playing “hookup” with their friends who owned restaurants and other businesses and wanted him to be part of it by recommending these such businesses. Steven did not like this at all and wanted to be more authentic with his true recommendations based on his own experiences. He created a company called TOURS by STEVEN so he could accomplish his goal, never really knowing how big this opportunity was.  He developed tours and activities with authenticity and they had a more personalized feel to it all, even taking out smaller groups than most. TOURS by STEVEN quickly became a very busy tour operation with the need for multiple tour guides to sustain the customer need.  Beyond his wildest dreams, his tour company became the top of Tripadvisors tour operations in New Olreans, leading in front of close to 400 competitors.  He received many accolades, awards and even a very public introduction by the world renowned TRIPADVISOR in Orlando at the ARIVAL conference as THE SUCCESS STORY OF THE YEAR!  He was brought on stage to talk about his successes and formulas for success.

Today TOURS by STEVEN operates in 2 locations, soon to be 3 and remains at the top of the industry with world wide attention.  He giggles when companies reach out to sell him marketing services for “obtaining more customers” as he cannot even serve the amount of requests he has currently.  His ultimate goal is to find the right people to become part of his amazing team so that he can come closer to reaching the needs of the travelers across the world and becoming the premier tour company of the world.


Chad Boutte grew up in Charenton, Louisiana on the banks of the Bayou Teche. His colorful life lead him around the country in a variety of professions including coordinating Alzheimers Care and Services in New Mexico, to directing the multi million dollar attraction, Star Trek the Experience  in Las Vegas, Nevada. He returned to Louisiana post Hurricane Katrina to help rebuild the city he loves. He realized that telling the city’s story and keeping its history alive, would  be a very important piece to the city’s preservation and rebirth. Chad quickly found a love for storytelling, and began freelancing as a Licensed Tour Guide in New Orleans. He gave segway, bicycle, bus, and waking tours before joining his Partner  Steven with the growth and expansion of their company, TOURS by STEVEN. As operations Director, Chad was able to utilize his tour guide experience and love for the city in playing an instrumental role in the continued success as a tour operator.

Today, he and his partner operate walking tours, ghost walks, and kayak tours, and private tours of choice.  He also owns and operates FIFOLET Candle Makers In Franklin, Louisiana which offers a unique candle making experience. 

Chad loves big and small towns, and the challenges that each bring.